Saturday, February 24, 2007

Julius Caesar

Questions on Julius Caesar

NOTE: I would like you to print these out and answer as many questions as you can. These will be the starting point for our discussion. You will not be asked to turn them in. I won’t grade them. However, I may check to see if you bothered to print them and bring them to class. This sheet should be useful for taking notes during the discussion. You should leave as much space as you think you’ll need for answers before you print.

*1. Leithart says the following is the overall structure of the play:
Acts 1-2: Formation of the Conspiracy
Act 3: Death and funeral of Caesar
Acts 4-5: Civil War culminating in the Battle of Philippi
2. Do you think Caesar was superstitious? (1.2.1-24)
3. Did envy play a part in the conspiracy?
4. Why did Cassius want Brutus to be part of the conspiracy? (1.3.157-164)
5. Of the two main conspirators, Cassius and Brutus, who do you think was the more noble?
6. What is Antony’s relationship to Caesar? (1.2.9-10; 1.2.190-214)
*7. Leithart thinks that Brutus referring to Caesar as an adder (2.1.14) and a serpent’s egg (2.1.32) has reference to the serpent in Gen. 3 in the Garden of Eden. Brutus thinks he’s being the faithful Adam and crushing the serpent instead of following him. He thinks of himself as the new Adam who brings peace and prosperity but instead he is the old Adam who thrusts the world into chaos. Cassius is the serpent that tempts Brutus. Up to this point Caesar has been miscalculating. Now Brutus becomes like him in his own miscalculations.
8. Once Brutus joins the conspiracy he becomes the leader. Was he a good or bad leader?
*9. Leithart points out the following interesting structure in 2.1-2:
A. Gathering of conspirators at house of Brutus
B. Brutus and Portia
B.’ Caesar and Calpurnia
A.’ Gathering of conspirators at house of Caesar
*10. What is significant about the discussion of where the sun will rise in 2.1.101-108?
The conspirators think they are going to bring in a new day for Rome when they can’t even agree on where geographical east is. “Casca’s pointing to the sun with his sword is ‘the political message of the play condensed into a metaphor,’ since the conspirators believe they can bring a new day for Rome by the edge of the sword.” (Leithart, p. 192)
11. How do the conspirators get close enough to Caesar to assassinate him?
12. What is the last thing Caesar says before he is killed?
13. Why did the conspirators wash their hands and weapons in Caesar’s blood?
14.Describe the funeral of Caesar.
15. What is the significance of 3.3?
16. What is the significance of the quarrel between Cassius and Brutus in 4.3.
17. How did Caesar’s ghost identify himself when he came to Brutus at Sardis (4.3.284)?
*18. Leithart thinks Octavius has also become like Caesar. Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus were all cruel and callous in picking who to kill (4.1) Then Octavius and Antony discussedOctavius though young was domineering and called all the shots, ignoring Antony if necessary. For instance at the battle of Philippi Antony told Octavius to go to the left and he went to the right (5.1.16-20)
*19. Leithart ends his discussion of Julius Caesar with the following. “The most penetrating answer to the religion of revolution is the insistence that there is only one sacrificial Victim whose blood revives and whose unleashed Spirit brings not strife but peace. Only those who trust this sacrifice can have confidence that, whatever their mistakes and errors, they will not, in the end, misconstrue everything.”
20. What miscalculations were made by characters in this play? Caesar miscalculated that it was safe to go to the Senate on the Ides of March. Others discussed above.
21. What famous quotations come from this play?
22. Is there anything about this play that youwould like to discuss?
23. What is significant about the Ides of March?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ascent to Love, chapters 4 & 5

Ascent to Love, chapters 4 & 5
1.As you read through chapter 4 assume that what Leithart says about Dante’s Purgatory is correct and list all things unbiblical about it. I have listed the obvious number one.
(1) There is no purgatory
2.What does Dante say about freedom on pages 107-109?
3. What are the three steps into purgatory which Leithart says represent
the 3 steps of repentance? (p.110) Do you agree that these three things equal
Biblical repentance?
4. What were the 7 deadly sins according to medieval theologians? (page 110)

[Note: one of these is dealt with in each of the seven levels of purgatory and in
the given order. The most serious sins are dealt with first and the sins of
incontinence are at the highest level of purgatory (arrived at last) because they
are less serious just as the sins of incontinence were at the highest level of hell
(arrived at first) because they were the least serious ]
*5. As in the Inferno the number 9 is important in Purgatorio.
(1) are nine main sections: two in antepuratory; 7 in purgatory.
(2) First transition (from antepurgatory to purgatory) takes place in canto 9
(3) Purgatory is 18 cantos (2 x 90
(4) Ascent from purgatory to Eden takes place in canto 27 (3x 9)
6.What does Dante have to do to leave purgatory and enter Eden where he will be
reunited with Beatrice? (pages 111-112)
7. What are the four cardinal virtues? (p.118)
8. Entrance to a new terrace often shows Mary as a counterexample of the vice being
purged. What two things happen at the end of each terrace before climbing to the
next one? (page 123-124)
9. How does Beatrice respond when she sees Dante in Eden?
10. Does reading chapter 4 spark your interest in reading the Purgatoria?

Chapter 5—Note after reading chapter 5 I don’t think it is worth reading the whole chapter without reading Paradiso. Therefore, you can stop reading at the review questions on page 158.

1. What does Leithart say is the theme of Paradiso? (p. 141)
2. On page 146 Leithart says, “Literally, Paradiso describes a space journey.” Dante moves upward at a great speed through the nine spheres of heaven. Describe the medieval picture of outer space.
3. Virgil was Dante’s guide through the Inferno and through most of Purgatoria. However he doesn’t go into Eden with Dante. At that point Beatrice becomes Dante’s guide. She guides him up to but not into the highest level of heaven. Who guides him into the highest level of heaven? Do you know anything about him?
4. Does reading chapter 5 spark your interest in reading Paradiso?

Monday, February 05, 2007

Geography Quiz

Mountains: Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines
Rivers: Arno, Tiber, Po, Rubicon, Danube, Rhine
Countries: Spain, France, Italy, England, Scotland, Ireland, Egypt, Denmark
Cities: Rome, Carthage, Jerusalem, Constantinople
Other: Sicily,Corsica, Strait of Gilbralter, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Agean Sea, Adriatic Sea,
Atlantic Ocean