Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ascent to Love, chapters 4 & 5

Ascent to Love, chapters 4 & 5
1.As you read through chapter 4 assume that what Leithart says about Dante’s Purgatory is correct and list all things unbiblical about it. I have listed the obvious number one.
(1) There is no purgatory
2.What does Dante say about freedom on pages 107-109?
3. What are the three steps into purgatory which Leithart says represent
the 3 steps of repentance? (p.110) Do you agree that these three things equal
Biblical repentance?
4. What were the 7 deadly sins according to medieval theologians? (page 110)

[Note: one of these is dealt with in each of the seven levels of purgatory and in
the given order. The most serious sins are dealt with first and the sins of
incontinence are at the highest level of purgatory (arrived at last) because they
are less serious just as the sins of incontinence were at the highest level of hell
(arrived at first) because they were the least serious ]
*5. As in the Inferno the number 9 is important in Purgatorio.
(1) are nine main sections: two in antepuratory; 7 in purgatory.
(2) First transition (from antepurgatory to purgatory) takes place in canto 9
(3) Purgatory is 18 cantos (2 x 90
(4) Ascent from purgatory to Eden takes place in canto 27 (3x 9)
6.What does Dante have to do to leave purgatory and enter Eden where he will be
reunited with Beatrice? (pages 111-112)
7. What are the four cardinal virtues? (p.118)
8. Entrance to a new terrace often shows Mary as a counterexample of the vice being
purged. What two things happen at the end of each terrace before climbing to the
next one? (page 123-124)
9. How does Beatrice respond when she sees Dante in Eden?
10. Does reading chapter 4 spark your interest in reading the Purgatoria?

Chapter 5—Note after reading chapter 5 I don’t think it is worth reading the whole chapter without reading Paradiso. Therefore, you can stop reading at the review questions on page 158.

1. What does Leithart say is the theme of Paradiso? (p. 141)
2. On page 146 Leithart says, “Literally, Paradiso describes a space journey.” Dante moves upward at a great speed through the nine spheres of heaven. Describe the medieval picture of outer space.
3. Virgil was Dante’s guide through the Inferno and through most of Purgatoria. However he doesn’t go into Eden with Dante. At that point Beatrice becomes Dante’s guide. She guides him up to but not into the highest level of heaven. Who guides him into the highest level of heaven? Do you know anything about him?
4. Does reading chapter 5 spark your interest in reading Paradiso?


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