Monday, January 08, 2007

Grammar Questionsfor week of 1/15/07

Canto 26
1. In this canto pouch 7 is left behind and pouch 8 viewed. What is the punishment in this circle? (lines 50-51)
2. What is the comparison made to Elijah’s chariot in lines 36-44?
3. Who was in the flame split at the top? (lines 54-55)
4. Why did Virgil say that he himself instead of Dante would speak to them? (lines 73-75) 5. How does the story Ulysses gives in lines 88-136 differ from the story of Odysseus in the Odyssey.

Canto 27
1. What was the Sicilian bull?
2. Why did Virgil tell Dante he could converse with the second flame (lines 30
3. Why was the soul in the 2nd flame willing to talk to Dante? (lines 62-64)
4. Who was in the 2nd flame and what was his sin? (identity of 2nd flame found in
the footnotes.)
5. Given that we now know that the sin of circle 8 was to give false counsel why
was Ulysses in the 8th pouch.

Canto 28:1-29:39
1. Virgil and Dane view the 9th pouch of circle 8 in this section. Who is there and
what is their punishment?
2. Who is the first shade Dante meets in this pouch and why is he in this location?
3. Why did more than 100 shades stop to stare at Dante? (lines 49-51)
4. Who is the second shade Dante speaks to in this pouch? He first sees him in
line 61)
5. In line 85 who is the man who “found a city bitter” and why did he find it
6. Who was the headless trunk carrying his head? What Biblical character does Dante compare him to? (28:107f) Henry II.

Canto 29:40-30:151
1. Virgil and Dante are now in the tenth pouch of circle 8. What group of sinners are punished here and what is their sin?
2. What specific sin were the two Italians that Dante talked to in 29:99-148?
3. Why are the stories of Thebes and Troy told in 30:1-19?
4. What Biblical character is in this pouch?
5. Who was Sinon (line 30:98).

Canto 31
1 As they traveled on what did Dante think he saw in line 19?
2. What was he actually seeing?
3. Who was the first one he focused on? (lines 41-77)
4. Is what is said about him Biblically correct? That is, is he a giant and is he
responsible for there being no common language in the world (line73-74)?
5. Who is Ephialtes? (lines 82-90)
6. What is Cocytus? (line119)
7. How did Dante and Virgil get down to Cocytus?

Canto 32
1. Describe Cocytus, the ninth circle of hell.
2. What sinners are punished here?
3. What character from another book we have read this year is mentioned in this
4. Cocytus is divided into 4 subdivisions although not as distinctly as the 10 pouches in circle eight. The first two are mentioned in this canto –lines 56 and 87. What are their names, who is each named after, and who is punished in each?

Canto 33 (read again—may get one or two more questions)
1. What subdivision of Cocytus was Ugolino in? How did he and his children die?
2. The 3rd subdivision of Cocytus is reached in 33:119. What is it, who is it
named after, and who is punished there?

Canto 34
1. Who did they first see in this canto?
2. Describe him.
3. Does this remind you of any creatures in Revelation?
4. 1. What is the 4th subdivision of Cocytus called and who is punished there? (line 118)?
5. Where does this canto end and how did Virgil and Dante get there?


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