Monday, August 28, 2006

Concentric Rings of 7 divisions of Revelation

2. Hendricksen’s 7 parallel sections
(1) Christ in the midst of the lampstands (1:1-3:22) 1:3 = blessed is he who reads,
hears, & heeds & 22:6 = blessed is he who heeds
Matt. 28:20—Lo, I am with you always..

(2) The vision of heaven & the seals (4:1-7:17) [compare 6:15-16 with 19:17-18]
John 16:33—In the world you have tribulation..

(3) The seven trumpets (8:1-11:19) [parallel 7 bowls: earth; sea; river; heaven
{these 1st 4 seem to just emphasize physical destruction of universe but not
effect on man}; sores to torment people; Euphrates River (church on earth
from 10:1-11:13); we see church in heaven.] HAS FINAL JUDGMENT
Luke 18:7—And shall not God avenge His elect, who cry out to Him day and

(4) The persecuting dragon (12;1-14:20) activity of Satan (13); activity of God
(14); we see God’s wrath on dwellers on earth. HAS FINAL JUDGMENT
Gen. 3:15—And I will put enmity between you and the woman..

(5) The seven bowls (15:1-16:21) [parallel 7 trumpets: earth; sea; rivers;
heaven {these 1st 4 seem to emphasize effect destruction had on man); throne
of Satan & sores on men; Euphrates River; we see destruction of cities on
earth] HAS FINAL JUDGMENT (16:17)
Rom. 2:5—But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are
storing up wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the
righteous judgment of God.
(6) The fall of Babylon (17:1-19:21) [compare 19:17-18 with 6:15-16] HAS
FINAL JUDGMENT (19:17-21--in it we see destruction of harlot & two
1 John 2:17—And the world passes away and the lust thereof…

(7) The great consummation (20:1-22:21): chapter 20 is church age from binding of Satan to Satan and all who dwell on earth thrown into lake of fire; [parallel to Christ in midst of lampstands: 2& 3 makes promises “to him who overcomes” 7x—21:7 says “he who overcomes shall inherit these things”; several of the promises in 2 & 3 listed in 20-22: tree of life (2:7 & 22:2, 14); not hurt by 2nd death (2:11 & 20:6, 14 & 21:8); authority over the nations
(2:26, 3:21 & 20:4); book of life (3:5 & 20:12, 15; 21:27)] HAS FINAL JUDGMENT (20:10-15—in it we see destruction of devil and death & Hades)
Romans 8:37—We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Cf. Jude 6


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