Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Revelation--week of May 1

#32—Beware of the False Prophets
1. What is Rev. 12:13-13:18 about?
2. What is Daniel 3:1-30 about?
3. What does PS mean when he says beast from land is 2nd of a pair and to what other pair does he compare this pair?
4. What is the significance of the fact that he looks like a lamb and sounds like a dragon?
5. What is meant by the term “all who dwell on earth” (vs. 8)
6. What power does the beast from the land have and where does it come from?
7. What things does beast from land use to persuade those who dwell on earth to worship the beast from the sea?
8. What is gematria?
9. Compare the 6 seals, 6 trumpets, and 6 bowls with the 7th seal, trumpet, and bowl?
10. What is the mark of the beast and what is the significance of this number?
11. How does Eph. 6:12 confirm this?
12. What Psalm was sung at the end?
13. Is there anything else that you would like to discuss?
14. What if any application did you make?


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