Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ancient Literature for week of March 6-10

Please remember for our discusion the week of March 6 (we will meet March 6 or March 8) you are to have written a short paper on Aesop and bring a list of 10 favorite fables with a related Bible vefrse. You are also to bring the topic sentence for your term paper. We will also be discussing Rev. 23

Now to the new assignment:
Read "The Apology" (which was handed out in class) and answer the following questions.
1. Who wrote The Apology?
2. Who is speaking in it?
3. What does calumny (first word on page 427) mean?
4. Who is the oracle at Delphi? Who did he say was wisest of all?
5. What was Socrates’s initial reaction to this? What was his final conclusion?
6. Do you think the majority in our country would agree or disagree with Socrates? Would postmodernists agree or disagree?
7. What were the accusations made against Socrates?
8. On page 434 what does Socrates say will convict him if he is convicted?
9. On page 435 why does he say it is foolish to fear death?
10. Does Socrates’s statement on 436 (from lines 11-17) starting with, “All I do is to go about” express a Christian truth? How about his statement on page 435, “I will obey god rather than you.”?
11. On page 436 Socrates uses 2 metaphors.
12. Do you think Socrates accepts the truth taught in Romans 3:23? (see page 438).
13. Does the Court find Socrates guilty or innocent? What was the vote? 281 to 220.
14. What does Socrates say would be the just penalty? (p 442)
15. On page 445 Socrates says death is one of two things. What are they? Is he correct? Why or why not?
16. What final request does Socrates make of the Court?
17. What is the final line of the Apoogy?

After finshing "The Apology" I want you to read Aristophanes "The Cloud". Just read over it get the basic idea of it and enjoy some of the humor. I want you to write out three things in it that you found funny and also write how it ends.


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