Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Ancient Literature week of Jan. 2-6, 2006

PERICLES (c. 490-429 B.C.)---Fabius Maximus who fought against Hannibal
#1—Did you find anything interesting in this chapter?
*admiration of an action doesn’t necessarily make us want to emulate it; e.g. I might enjoy perfume & dye but wouldn’t lower myself to make either (shows Plutarch’s aristocratic bias against manual labor); is this bias wrong?
*What does this have to do with Pericles?
#2—Why does Plutarch say he decided to continue writing Lives
*what characteristics does he say Fabius Maximus & Pericles have in common?
#3—What deformity did Pericles have & how did artists hide this?
#7—Why was Pericles fearful of being ostracized?
*With Aristides dead, Themistocles in exile, & Cimon fighting abroad why did Pericles champion cause of common people even though this was contrary to his aristocratic nature?
#8—Why was Pericles called “Olympian”?
*What aristocrat was his long-time political rival?
#9—How did Pericles’ demagoguery (catering to the poor) differ from that of Cimon?
#10—Why was Pericles willing to invite Cimon back early from exile
*What was the division of power between Pericles & Cimon when Cimon returned?
#11—What were the 2 distinct factions in Athens at this time and who led each?
#12—What action by Pericles most angered Greek allies?
#13—What is impressive about the buildings built during Pericles’ administration?
#15—Once Thucydides was ostacized and Pericles’ power secure how did he govern?
*How does Plutarch say he directed people’s minds?
#16—How did he act financially?
#18-22---What is Pericles’ principally known for militarily?
#23—What is significance of recorded expenditure of 10 talents “for necessities”?
#24—Who was Aspasia? What happened to Pericles’s wife?
#25-28—Pericles went to war with Samos and won but this created some dissension in Athens. What was the reason for this war?
#29-30—Several reasons for animosity between Sparta & Athens were discussed but which does Plutarch say is the most important and who does he hold responsible for this and thus for the Peloponnesian Wars?
#31—Who was Phidias, what was he charged with, and what was the outcome?
#32—What was Aspasia charged with & what was the outcome?
#33—Why did Lacedaemonians want to overthrow Pericles?
#33-34---What was Pericles’ response to invasion of Attica by Spartans?
*What kept Spartans from giving up & returning home?
*Who did Athenians blame for the plague & why?
#35—Why was Pericles stripped of his military command & a fine imposed on him?
#36—What caused Pericles to burst into copious tears
#37—Why did people of Athens invite him back into leadership & make him one of their military commanders?
*What law which he had originally introduced did he repeal because it would help him?
#38—How did Pericles die?
*Those surrounding him at his death discussed his virtue & accomplishments including being able to set up 9 trophies for Athens as a successful military commander when they thought he was unconscious; he opened his eyes & asked why they didn’t mention most important thing, which was that no Athenian had to put on mourning clothes because of him. What did he mean by this?
#39—What opinion of the poets does Plutarch express?
*What does Plutarch seem to think was one of Pericles’ greatest accomplishment?


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